Enterprise Development Programme

ÖÖD OÜ has so far produced and sold 6x3m mirror houses in a small format, but the demand for larger versions has started to grow. As a result, the ÖÖD team sees a need in product development to create larger ÖÖD mirror houses so that different customer segments would have a product for their needs.
The project aims to bring two new ÖÖD mirror houses to the market, of which customers have been of great interest. These products are:
- Larger hotel room
- Larger sauna house
After the completion of these products, the goal is to develop at least one new product in each subsequent year. The primary goal would be to bring to the market ÖÖD autonomous house, which has also been of great interest to customers, all the more so as the world is moving towards sustainability. It is planned to start the development of this product after the completion of the primary products.
As a result of the project, two new ÖÖD products will be completed and the development of the third new product will begin:
- ÖÖD larger hotel room
- ÖÖD larger sauna house
- ÖÖD autonomous house
A development project can be considered complete when both new products have been developed, tested, and thoroughly post-analyzed and repaired.
Fund: European Regional Development Fund
Grant: 303 038,55 €